Purim Friday Links

From ze blogz

  1. I just discovered the amazing trainwreck that is [<p style="text-align: center;">


From ze blogz

  1. I just discovered the amazing trainwreck that is](http://stfuparents.tumblr.com/)
  2. Ashton Kutcher is in Russia?  by Karyn
  3. Nisha says that kids these days don’t read any more.  Like, at all.
  4. Grace talks about how the sports our parents made us do when we were small are actually useful. Hm.
  5. And Maya has a beautiful post about how Israelis just don’t really care about the Middle East conflict

From ze Webz

  1. Afghan’s Next Top Model
  2. shalom!  Showcase of Web Design in Israel (by my friend and fellow Jewlicious blogger, Sarah K. Eisen!)
  3. Leaders try to Cap Russia’s Vodka Habit (following on my post about it, obviously)
  4. “We Pretend We’re Christians”
  5. Palestinians jump the shark?

Happy Purim!