New Digs

Check it. (for those of you reading through RSS, you gotta click through for this one. Sorry in advance those of you who have finger disabilities.)


What do you think of my new layout? It’s a lot different than my last one. But I have been dying for a change for a long time. Alas, I am a cheap Jew and will not pay more than $5 for professional web design so it basically came down to getting rid of my finger disability to do some cleanup around here to work in a new design that has pretty much the same usability as the old one as to not interrupt the flow of conversation in the comments, so let me know if you have any problems.

Mr. B says that what I write is way more important than how my blog looks, but Mr. B also knows nothing about The Art of Blogging, because, OMG, check out my RSS icon.

More regular content to come soon. Here’s a preview of what we did this weekend and no, that time is not how long it took me to pick a new RSS icon.

Hypochondriac Runner is Hypochondriac. And almost dead.