Friday Links
Here, this is for you. It’s probably rated R. For Rodriguez. Also pRofanity.
“Public radio, and das it.”
Can you stop listening to it?
- A site reselling groupons and, are we done with Groupon?
- Egypt’s Copts: Like Soviet Jews, only now with 100% more marginalization
- How Steve Jobs redefined business casual
- Why are beavers a nuisance?
- How long do marriages last? As long as your spouse stops eating all of the yogurt you bought for yourself.
- Jews in Peru
- Haha the writer OWNNNEEED Tim Ferris in this article
- I’m not including a link about that JC Penney shirt because it’s too ridiculous
- Someone else is relocating back to Philly from DC
- A Lady in Oxford at a wedding
- Reading with the iPad