Friday Links

El Nakam!! from yonatan popper on Vimeo.


  1. Google Maps now has cool world photo galleries
  2. Those Dutch people
  3. The best audiobooks for a roadtrip
  4. Bookcover wallpapers
  5. Best film about your city or state?
  6. Merkel in Panatone
  7. Pictures of the devastating flooding in Russia
  8. Wealth rises in Mongolia, as does worry
  9. Homeboy Industries, the passion project of an L.A. priest, has brought life reboots to hundreds of former criminals, including onetime gang members and the fallen CEO of mega-construction company KB Home.”
  10. Pretentious people reading pretentious literature
  11. Watermelon pro tip
  12. “Unlike some other Nazi Germany allies or German-occupied countries excluding Denmark, Bulgaria managed to save its entire 48,000-strong Jewish population during World War II from deportation to concentration camps”