Friday Links

<3 <3 <3 Dads are the best.


My proudest moment this week:



  1. Are there languages without swearwords?
  2. Websites should load in a single page
  3. What do people eat for breakfast around the world?
  4. The only one of these “letters on the Interweb to my kid, who can’t understand them”  that I like
  5. Mazal tov!
  6. New Regina Spektor song
  7. “Okay. I speak some English, but we will talk in Spanish so you can learn. Where are you from?”
  8. Pour yourself some discount wine, put on the Kenny G, and sit on your couch. It’s comfytube.
  9. A profile of Hilary Mantel, the Oliver Cromwell chick. She’s had a rough life.
  10. We didn’t have a plan if [police came]. Everyone parked away from the place. We sent them directions by text message to their mobiles or rang them. Our fears are just to get caught or sent to jail.”
  11. Weird Twitter. People on Twitter are so weird.