Friday Links are like your little piece of NPR in an MTV world

This is what socialized healthcare does to people. The Scandinavians are SO HEALTHY that they are bored living in the paradise that is Scandinavia and decide to cause themselves bodily harm in Siberia. Tally ho, boys!


SIBERIA TEACHES – trailer from Coldfocus Productions on Vimeo.


  1. The hater’s guide to the Williams-Sonoma catalog (catalogue?)
  2. Channel B
  3. Israel, hip-hop nation (podcast) (by the way, Liel is 100% wrong. Subliminal 4eva)
  4. Living with a computer“, from 1982
  5. Mike Sui, a guy from Wisconsin who’s China’s biggest viral star
  6. Shortening the workday in Cairo
  7. God reading this makes me feel so guilty that I’m not done
  8. Girl reading
  9. Plus-size fashion bloggers
  10. “My buddy used to work in construction, but is now following his passion making cakes.