Weekends are for anxiety

Roy Lichtenstein

This weekend I’m headed to my first BarCamp Philly. Will I see you there?

The way it works is that there’s no schedule and a bunch of awesome, interesting people come and propose topics they want to speak about. Sexy titles win. The audience picks the schedule and at 10 am the conference actually starts.

Because I don’t have enough social anxiety in my life, I’ve decided to put together a presentation on howI made almost $55 self-publishing and throw myself to the wolves, so that’s what the next couple days are going to be about.

Things I am terrified of: public speaking, pretending to be an expert is something, meeting new people.

Things Barcamp will involve: public speaking, pretending to be an expert in something, meeting new people.

I’m also thinking about sexy titles for my presentation.  Some I’ve come up with include

  • How to Make PenguinRandomhouse Cry Like a Little Girl: Self-Publishing
  • How to Make Almost No Money and lose your mind: Self-publishing
  • How to Sell 50 books, including one to your mom and Three to yourself.
They’re working titles.

I’ve been playing this song on loop to psych myself up.

If you have any tips for being a normal human being, please leave them below.