High-class Vegas Friday Links


Some lucky dude from GQ goes undercover at Vegas’s biggest nightclub to find out what makes it tick.

An academic paper that says ” Couples where wife earns more than the husband are less satis ed with their marriage and are more likely to divorce.”

My brother Carl, a crate-digger and amateur ethnomusicologist of sorts, hosts a radio program on WRIR, an indie radio station in Richmond, VA. The latest episode of his show is available here for download, and includes a batch of rare, wonderful Yiddish popular music from the ’40s and ’50s on 78 RPM vinyl”

Ian Frazier writes about why travelers can’t exaggerate anymore.

“Going through dating profiles is like reading the same book over and over again. Everyone is happy and loves to laugh. Everyone likes beer and coffee and rain.”

This post  from a fellow analyst was very relevant to me.

A man asks strangers on the streets of NY about their holiday wishes.

How to party at the State Department

“Preparing for my job interview”

Cute painting called “Impressionists”