New Year, New Links

  1. 10 best new podcasts of the year.  The Alec Baldwin one is really good. I heard the one he did with Chris Rock and Fred Armisen. 
  2. An amusing map from 1927, showing which areas of California could be used to film movies that you wanted to look like other parts of the world.”
  3. Reader, I married her.
  4. Top 10 most angsty characters in Fiction.
  5. Two good things on Tablet this week: one on Russian adoptions, the other on the Israeli-built Parliament building in Sierra Leone
  6. Jerry Seinfeld’s creation process
  7. How I discovered the secret to happiness
  8. Hogmanay in Edinburgh
  9. Restoring a dresser
  10. I can’t wait for summer
  11. The lost art of the walk, on the street where we stayed in New Orleans
  12. My favorite longform thing I read last year: P.J. O’Rourke in Afghanistan