Ask and ye shall receive


In my MBA program, there are a couple of places to take night classes, but the one that’s most convenient for me is downtown, because it’s right next to work. Unfortunately, the entrance to Suburban Station, the train station right next to the school that I use to get home,  starts to unravel quickly at night. I mean, it’s already pretty gross during the day, but nighttime brings a special glow.  So, I always think about how  dirty the area surrounding Temple downtown is, and why they can’t use their pull with the city to help fix it.

Conveniently, from time to time, my school sends us surveys to fill out about the quality of our experience, both in the classroom and in the facilities so that we can complain as much as possible.

I’ve always learned both at work and in school that you should never just  come to someone with a problem; you should also have at least a couple possible ways to solve it.  But, this is just for my MBA and everyone knows part-time MBA students are pretty tired and already 100% invested in classes, and also I have NO IDEA how to navigate the sprawling City of Philadelphia political system.

So, here you go, Temple.
