Monday Links?

These are kind of late, but maybe also early.

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Still alive.

Just busy.  End of semester, stuff at work, Thanksgiving, etc.  Too busy to concentrate on longform blogging.  And novel writing :(

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Post-Rockets, Post-Thanksgiving

Aaron Burr: Baller.

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The tragedy of the human brain


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Friday Links are like your little piece of NPR in an MTV world

This is what socialized healthcare does to people. The Scandinavians are SO HEALTHY that they are bored living in the paradise that is Scandinavia and decide to cause themselves bodily harm in Siberia. Tally ho, boys!

Author's profile picture Vicki on fridaylinks

Why do Eastern European women love leather and fur?

While Mr. B and I were in New Orleans, it was cold. Super-cold. Cold enough that we hadn’t planned for it. Isn’t the South always supposed to be perma-warm like that spot on the floor that always gets the sun?

Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

His dad was Baryshnikov, the movie was pure nostalgia in a bottle

Play this as you read:

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Sita Sings the Blues Links

I have a lot more to say about this video, but for now, just watch it on full screen. It’s really long. And amazing.  
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I’m so happy for Ben Affleck

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Weekends are for anxiety

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Regional Vice Presidents of the Underworld

The Phoenician, Scottsdale—Canyon Golf Course, Hole #9Creative commons

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It’s November!

I’m late to Rizzle Kicks:

Author's profile picture Vicki on fridaylinks

Marie Laveau and Kirk’s magic voodoo fingers help us fight Sandy

New Orleans is amazingly beautiful for an American city and has an very distinct energy around Halloween.

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Friday Links have moved!

Don’t worry. They’re still here. They’re just in a different place now, every week:

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