Friday Links

Indian Style, The Railway from carlos andres lopez on Vimeo.

Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

Older, wiser, but I’m still hate-reading books

Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

Love and Time

Like every Internet-literate female American homeowner under the age of 45, I read Young House Love.  This blog is made by two very cheerful married  people who do almost all of their home repairs together as a couple. Surprisingly, they have not murdered each other with an Allen wrench.   Although the husband’s parents chip in from time to time to take care of their young daughter while they paint and have helped them build a deck, their main message is that if you have just two people, you can accomplish anything together.

Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

Friday Links

The Emancipation of Prince – a short film directed by Gavin O’Grady from Forever on Vimeo.

Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

I have no girl skills


Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

Two goals for my birthday month

Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

Friday Links

Cuba Wedding – Bunny & Guma from Andras Studinger on Vimeo.

Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

“Hey, how’s your novel going?”

Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

Baseball the Vicki way

Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

Things my husband will not let my buy on Etsy

Our house is slowly coming together: 

Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

Friday Links

El Nakam!! from yonatan popper on Vimeo.

Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

Sheryl, Anne-Marie, and Marissa are giving bad advice to young women who desperately need good advice

Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

What I’m reading lately

overcoming writer's block - crumpled paper on wooden floor - crushed paper

Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

Friday Links

I Believe I can Fly ( flight of the frenchies). Trailer from sebastien montaz-rosset on Vimeo.

Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

How to have a classy bachelorette party in Philly

One of my closest friends is getting married in a couple of weeks, so when it came to planning her bachelorette party with her maid of honor, we wanted it to be awesome.

Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized