The recession is over

Put down your Economists and Forbes magazines. They’re lying to you.  I’m here to tell you that the recession is over.

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Seattle and Portland

I’ve figured out  the secret to living in Philadelphia.  I’m ok with it, as long as I can be outside Philadelphia at least 60% of the time.  This time, Mr. B and I were going to go to Japan, but we’re still waiting on Mr. B’s passport, so international travel was out. Which is a shame, because international travel is what I live for.

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Friday Links

  1. The case for telling everyone what you make
  2. PT Sans family was developed as a part of the project “Public Types of Russian Federation”. The fonts of this project have open user license and can be freely distributed. The main aim of the project is to give possibility to the peoples of Russia to read and write on their native languages”
  3. Using a calendar to build a social life
  4. The beauty of the Golden Compass
  5. Dat blockade.
  6. What concept or idea do you find impossible to comprehend?
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Mr. B and I are prepared for anything. Anything being either pogroms or the Siege of Leningrad.

I haven’t been blogging because every time I sit down to blog, my mind goes to my summer classes, work, or completely out the door.

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Footnote, Late Marriage, and Indie Movie Theaters

Last week, me, Mr. B, his mom, and his aunt saw Footnote, the Israeli Oscar contender for last year:

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Friday Links

I’m still here.  Just writer’s blocked and crazy busy.

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My favorite Hipstergram pictures

Now that even us Hunchback of Notre Dame peons can access Instagram (I’m @veekaybee), all I do is sit in my belfry hunched over my phone and look at the pretty pictures from around the world. Sometimes I take some, but mostly there’s something about seeing everyday life in far away places that is the billion-dollar appeal of Instagram for me.

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I basically just paid myself eight cents an hour to learn that I don’t need an MBA

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Friday Links

  1. The culture of Wall Street is pervasive and contagious. While there are Wall Street employees who are able to ignore it, or block it out, I was not one of them. I drank the Kool Aid. I’m out of it now. But I’d like to tell you what it was like. “
  2. Name a style of music you dislike and it’s up to fans of said style to find artists that could change your opinion.
  3. Driving school teacher (and a really cool cause, Razistan)
  4. I promise this is the only Scotland-related link. And it’s not even that Scottish.
  5. “If money doesn’t make you happy, you probably aren’t spending it right.”
  6. Moving on
  7. PhD Movie: Well Worth the $10. (especially if you love the comic)
  8. How to really survive the world
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A book review that is also a plea for mercy


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New York on a whim

This weekend, I was in search of a couch. Well, I’ve been in search of a couch since January but this weekend is the first weekend life’s slowed down enough for me to be able to focus on the house again.

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How writers lie (or, eel-hunting)

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Philly’s Women in Tech Summit at Wharton: Better than expected!

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I found another Russian thing that is terrible for everyone: Russian children’s books

So, the other week, Mr. B and I were trolling around in the local Russian bookstore. It’s actually very cute because it’s called “Knizhnik,” which loosely translates to “Booker,”  from the word for book, knizhka. It’s named after the owner, whose last name IS actually Knizhnik.  With a last name like that, I can only imagine you’re destined either for book store ownership or tax evasion.

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Friday Links, now engineered to make you appear witty and urbane to others.

Can I just gloat for a second that the most-read article in The Economist this week was on my beloved Shotlandia (which would be an excellent name for a vodka, by the way)? So if you are buying my book, which contains a brief but maybe kind of inaccurate history of the issue, you will be all the hotness at your suave cocktail parties this year as you wow people with your expertise.

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