Friday Links

  1. On the rights and privileges of being an alien
  2. Ladies night in Okinawa
  3. This castle. I want it.
  4. Competing to be the best Alaskan wife
Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

The worst-kept resolutions

“I resolve never to drink alone again, unless my partner’s passed out. Then it’s every man for himself. All hands on deck, I say.”

Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

The year of free will-y


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My favorite books of 2013

Basically, all I read this year were any books about Russia in 1937, so my favorite books are anything other than those books.Ok, maybe I read some other stuff, so I didn’t go insane. Here they are:

Longbourn: Confession. I’ve never read Pride and Prejudice, but I’ve watched the 1979 BBC version of it, which tells me everything I need to know. Longbourne is the Bennett family story, from the servants’ point of view, and it is amazingly well-researched without being dry. The quote that lured me into it was this one:

Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

The river of our past is drying up


Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

Friday Links


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Why I suck at small talk


Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

Friday Links

(turn on closed captioning for subtitles)

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Venn diagrams that make yuppies sad


Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

Philly still ugly, my research shows


Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

Friday Links


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Pinterest is ruining America, and by America I mean Thanksgiving


Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

What we’re sharing during conferences

  1. brainThat we’re on our way to a conference
  2. Pictures of the wings of our plane
  3. FourSquare Checkin at conference hotel registration
  4. Picture of free Fortune 500 company ballpoint pen
  5. Filtered Instagram of back of industry leader’s head from 500 feet away
  6. Facebook status update snark-summarizing talk we should be listening to
  7. Tweeting glee at being away from work for upwards of 16 hours
  8. Mortified tweet about how many emails you get when you’ve been away from work for upwards of 16 hours
  9. Frantic Facebook update from bathroom that we don’t know anyone here, can’t possibly make small talk, and are terrible at being humans.
  10. Slideshares of beautiful slide decks that are 90% irrelevant without having been at the talk.
Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

Boy, European movies sure are depressing

This post contains spoilers about a movie you probably never want to watch anyway because it will make you want to stab yourself, and all of humanity.


Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

The state of the Jewnion


Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized