Whoever said life is about adventure and risk-taking never had typhoid shots
UPDATED: Just found out our malaria pills can give violent nightmares! Wheee!
»Comic: New Moon
Friday Links!
Yesterday, Mr. B and I saw Yesterday, Mr. B and I saw but the review might have to wait until next week because today we are getting typhoid shots for India and possibly might die, and this weekend we are hopefully spending outside as much as possible in sunny DC.
»Environmentalism has its roots in millions of violently angry Soviet women
Shortie: Steppe and Glamour
A conversation with my parents about India
Happy International Women’s Day 2010!
It’s Friday Links Time!
I am exhausted. It has been a grueling week, in many senses of the word. I think these links feel the same. Happy weekend!
»Lenin congratulates me
So, this whole weight loss thing is going pretty well, I think, since I am now down to 5 pounds lost. And, obviously, to celebrate, I made a graphic with broccoli and Lenin and everything. At this point, I no longer make sense.
»Visiting my grandpa, the Yiddish-speaking atheist
This weekend, as we often do, Mr. B and I went to see the fam. The fam is enormous, there are lots of them, and all of them need to be seen every time we go to visit them in Philadelphia, especially the grandparents, of which there are four, each of which needs extra time. On the one hand, I know I should be grateful, but on the other hand, since Mr. B and I are kind of introverted (what, you can’t tell by the blog?), lots and lots of time with people makes us exhausted and we need to recharge. So that’s what I’m doing today and tomorrow.
»Nothing to see here, move along…
.. to my friend Jodi’s blog, where I am guest posting about the economic costs of weddings.
»Purim Friday Links
My Friend Jen, the Human Bandaid
This is Jen.