Friday Links
This week, I interviewed a satirist, questioned the state of legality in marriages across the world, had a birthday, and made fun of Putin’s pretty ponies. I also played a guessing game with pictures over on Jewlicious.
»This week, I interviewed a satirist, questioned the state of legality in marriages across the world, had a birthday, and made fun of Putin’s pretty ponies. I also played a guessing game with pictures over on Jewlicious.
»As you may know, Russian Dominant Overlord President Vladimir Putin(or as I like to call him, Koschey Bessmertniy,) recently went on vacation to Siberia. Because, I guess, cheap airfare to Istanbul wasn’t available or something.
»Note: The Victorian Era was a long period of prosperity for the British people, a time of cultural revival, and of great advances in engineering and fashion. The Victorian Error is column where I bitch about my life experiences.
»It’s rare to find a really good satire that involves flyovers AND Bryan Adams these days. It’s even harder if, before reading that satire, you have no idea what a flyover actually is. That’s why I was so exited to find Family Planning, the first novel by witty and insightful flyover expert and author Karan Mahajan.
»Discuss amongst yourselves. I am beat from the fasting!
»Note: From time to time, I get questions asking me for Russian-related advice, which I am perfectly qualified to give, for a number of reasons that I don’t feel like getting into. You should probably consult your lawyer and primary physician before reading. I recently got a question from Amy, via Marinka, who is providing her own answer to the situation below on her blog, as well:
»If you’re coming over because you happened to read this article on NewEurasia.Net, take a look around.
»From a Time magazine poll. Horrible and scintillating. Also with a small sample size. (click to maximize)
»Links that show I am totally famous!
»You may remember from some time ago that I read Shush! Growing Up Jewish Under Stalin by Emil Draitser and reviewed it on the site. Recently, I had the chance to interview Dr. Draitser, a Professor of Russian at Hunter College in New York City. I asked him all the questions I was yearning to know from his book, ranging on topics that both had to do with Russian Jewishness and writing a memoir. The memoir bit, was, of course, strictly for my own purposes of writing the Great American Novel. That I’ve been writing since I was 12. One sentence per year. A big thank you to Dr. Draitser for taking the time to answer my questions.