
The Highlands: A Scottish Journey from Sam Oakes on Vimeo.

Author's profile picture Vicki on fridaylinks

What are the first-worldiest phrases in the NYT motherhood article?


Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

On the Amalfi Coast


Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

Then and now


Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

August Friday Links


Author's profile picture Vicki on fridaylinks

Cooking 100 stir-frys


Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

Friday Links


Author's profile picture Vicki on fridaylinks

How to get new ideas


Author's profile picture Vicki on me


So I have to work on my novel THIS MONTH or I’ll never finish it, like, ever because I’m taking 7 credits-7 CREDITS-next semester and also still doing the whole job thing.  I work on my novel every morning before work, like I get up at 5:45, 5:55 if I’m lazy then do the whole shower thing and then go downstairs to eat breakfast and by the time I’ve eaten it’s already 6:30 and I only have an hour to do my thing, but half of that hour is spent thinking about how I should be writing blog posts and the other half is spent thinking about how I should be learning Python and the third half is about something witty I should post on Twitter so by the time I get around to putting words down on a page, it’s already 7:15 and my train is at 7:40 and you cannot CANNOT start writing and get into the groove for 16 minutes until you have to leave and so my novel is a MESS.  And when I get home I’m busy trying to accomplish all of my other summer goals.

Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

Friday Links


Author's profile picture Vicki on fridaylinks

Michael Chabon and Prague Tricked Me

And you can read all about it here.

Author's profile picture Vicki on writing

Friday Links

Favorite new song

Author's profile picture Vicki on fridaylinks

The first in a series of blog posts about how Italy lied to me


Author's profile picture Vicki on identity, international, Italy, me, and travel

Friday Links

Easing back into it.

Author's profile picture Vicki on fridaylinks

Being American


Author's profile picture Vicki on government, identity, international, and Uncategorized