I am calling bullshit on Italian breakfast

I’m in Italy and I figured I’d get this out there before I forget how angry I am right now once I get back to a country where IHOP is a constitutional right.

Author's profile picture Vicki on Italy

Thursday Video Links


Author's profile picture Vicki on fridaylinks

Summer is looking too ambitious

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Author's profile picture Vicki on Uncategorized

Late Friday Links

Dubai Timelapse from dimid on Vimeo.

Author's profile picture Vicki on fridaylinks

La dolce Vika

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Author's profile picture Vicki on home, identity, and me

The laME generation


Author's profile picture Vicki on geny, identity, and news

Here’s a bunch of stuff I wrote about Russia and World War 2


Author's profile picture Vicki on USSR and WWII

I make a huge writing mistake


Author's profile picture Vicki on books, Uncategorized, USSR, and writing

Happy May! Friday Links


Author's profile picture Vicki on fridaylinks

The world is so huge in May


Author's profile picture Vicki on Russia and USSR

What people talk about in the spring


Author's profile picture Vicki on Russia and USSR

Ask and ye shall receive


Author's profile picture Vicki on MBA, Philly, and Uncategorized

Small data


Author's profile picture Vicki on international and news

Better late than never Friday links


Author's profile picture Vicki on fridaylinks

A case study in real beauty

Photo on 4-18-13 at 7.11 AM

Author's profile picture Vicki on feminism, MBA, and women