Replace Hadoop with Your Laptop


Vicki Boykis | @vboykis

About me

Data Science + Engineering @ CapTech

GitHub: veekaybee

Twitter: @vboykis


  • Your computer is good enough
  • You don't always have big data
  • Multiprocessing makes it faster
  • When you need distributed systems

"There is a time for every data environment"

-The Byrds, Probably

To everything (turn turn)
There is a season (turn turn)
And a time to every purpose
A time to laugh
A time to cry
A time for distributed systems
A time for local processing
A time for healing

My local environment

Boss: "Please analyze Les MapReduces for me"

Les Miserables - 655k words / 3.2 MB textfile

You don't always have big data

How much data can your laptop process?

  • Databricks Tungsten: "Aggregation and joins on one billion records on one machine in less than 1 second." (2013 Macbook Pro)
  • Command Line: 1.75GB containing around 2 million chess games. "This find | xargs mawk | mawk pipeline gets us down to a runtime of about 12 seconds, or about 270MB/sec, which is around 235 times faster than the Hadoop implementation."

Checking out the file

                    vboykis$ head -n 1000  lesmiserables.txt

                    On the other hand, this affair afforded great delight to Madame Magloire. "Good," said she to Mademoiselle Baptistine; "Monseigneur began with other people, but he has had to wind up with himself, after all. He has regulated all his charities. Now here are three thousand francs for us! At last!"

                    That same evening the Bishop wrote out and handed to his sister a memorandum conceived in the following terms:--

Command line MapReduce

                    sed -e 's/[^[:alpha:]]/ /g' lesmiserables.txt \ # only alpha 
                                    | tr '\n' " " \ # replace lines with spaces
                                    |  tr -s " "  \ # compresses adjacent spaces
                                    | tr " " '\n' \  # spaces to linebreaks
                                    | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' \ # removes uppercase
                                    | sort \ # sorts words alphabetically
                                    | uniq -c \ # counts unique occurrences
                                    | sort -nr \ # sorts in numeric order reverse
                                    | nl \ # line numbers
                                46  1374 marius
                                47  1366 when
                                48  1316 we
                                49  1252 their
                                50  1238 jean


Let's say we have lots of files


                        # Makes n number of copies of Les Miserables

                        for num in $(seq 1 1000)
                            bn=$(basename $INPUT .txt)
                            cp $INPUT $bn$num.txt

                        vboykis$ du -sh 
                        vboykis$ du -sh 



We should write some Python now
  1. get_filenamesRead in all text files
  2. get_dataDo text processing (strip/split)
  3. map_functionCount occurrences of words in each file
  4. reduce_functionSums up occurrences across files
  5. show_itemsSorts results in descending order

The heart of map/reduce

                    def map(filename):
                    Takes a list of sentences,splits, 
                    and sums up words per sentence
                    :param filename: a single filename
                    result = {}
                    for i in words:
                            result[i] += 1
                        except KeyError:
                            result[i] = 1
                    return result   

                    def reduce_function(dict_list):
                    This function reduces a list of dicts by 
                    :param dict_list: List of words 
                    d = {}

                    for d in dict_list:
                            for k, v in d.items():
                                    reduced_dict[k] += v
                                except KeyError:
                                    reduced_dict[k] = v
                    return d 


The heart of map/reduce

                map: {'valjean': 5, 'marius': 2, 'javert': 3}
                     {'valjean': 4, 'marius': 1, 'javert': 4}

                reduce: {'valjean': 9, 'marius':3, 'javert': 7}


How long does it take?
3 GB = 5 minutes


word_list = []
files = get_filenames()
for filename in files: 
    mapr = map_function(filename)

mr = reduce_function(word_list)

vboykis$ time python 
Size of files: 3.099123327061534 GB
Processing textfiles...
[1]+  Stopped  python
real    5m14.605s

How do we speed it up?

๐ŸŽ‰ Multiprocessing!๐ŸŽ‰
(and ๐ŸPyPy๐Ÿ)

What are threads and processes?

(And what's a GIL?)

How Python Utilizes Hardware

vboykis$ python
vboykis$ top
PID    COMMAND      %CPU  TIME     #TH       STATE
32057  Python       99.0  00:04.16 1/1    running

Multiprocessing API

Process: Each function call is a separate process (good for small programs)

Pool: Allows you to control number of processes, maintains order of returned results

Our Multiprocessing Code

      , iterable[, chunksize])

                # parallel equivalent of map function
                # iterable is split into pieces of approx that size
                # submitted to process pool as separate tasks 

    files = get_filenames()
    pool= Pool(processes=5) 
    result_set =, files, chunksize=30) 

    PID    COMMAND      %CPU TIME     #TH    
    32984  Python       94.4 01:16.48 1/1    
    32983  Python       94.8 01:14.76 1/1   
    32982  Python       77.4 01:17.70 1/1   
    32981  Python       95.2 01:15.60 1/1   
    32980  Python       96.9 01:14.00 1/1    


Our Multiprocessing Code

3 GB = 3 minutes


                    pool= Pool(processes=5)
                    result_set =, get_filenames(), chunksize=30)

                    vboykis$ time
                    ('Size of files:', 3.099123327061534, 'GB')
                    real    2m56.571s  user    11m54.280s    0m29.430s
                    'valjean' - 790790
                    'marius' - 909909
                    'jean' - 1143142


Speeding it up with PyPy

"If you want your code to run faster, you should probably just use PyPy.โ€ โ€” Guido" Good for longer processes, mostly Python codebases.
                    vboykis$ time pypy

                    real    2m10.799s  user    6m28.577s  sys    0m42.156s
                    ('Size of files:', 3.099123327061534, 'GB')

                    vboykis$ time pypy
                    ('Size of files:', 6.195150626823306, 'GB')

                    real    4m23.917suser 12m6.691ssys  1m39.279s




  • You can process fairly large amounts of data(5-10 GB) locally
  • Structure your code for multiprocessing
  • Try different Pool/Chunksize combinations
  • PyPy!

The cost of a system

In some cases, an optimized single node is better than unoptimized multiple nodes.

MapReduce with Spark locally:
less code, more overhead

                             mbp-vboykis$ ./bin/spark-submit --master local[5]/

MapReduce with Spark


                    sc = SparkContext("local", "Les Mis Word Count") 

                    logFile = "/lesmiserables*.txt"

                    wordcounts = sc.textFile(logFile).map( lambda x: x.replace(',',' ').replace('.',' ').replace('-',' ').lower()) \
                            .flatMap(lambda x: x.split()) \
                            .map(lambda x: (x, 1)) \
                            .reduceByKey(lambda x,y:x+y) \
                            .map(lambda x:(x[1],x[0])) \
                    print(wordcounts.take(10)) #print first 10 results 

What big data can't give you

  • Data integrity
    • (denormalized, naming conventions)
  • SQL Query analyst speed
  • Traditional database guarantees (consistency)

What big data can give you

  • Storage of unstructured data
  • Fault tolerance and availability
  • A centralized place across departments
  • Extremely heavy parallelized usage
  • Ability to programmatically work with data

Good use cases for Hadoop

  • A lot of data (more than 1 TB and growing)
  • Unstructured data (images, video, metadata)
  • Streaming data that needs to be stored quickly (logs)
  • Many researchers need access in parallel
  • You need to access and analyze ALL THE DATA
  • You have a dedicated team of people to work on it (@ least 1-2 dev, 1 admin, 1 analyst)

Thanks!/ Resources

Vicki Boykis | @vboykis

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