★❤✰ Vicki Boykis ★❤✰

Favorite books of 2024

Like last year, I spent a fair amount of the year reading code and technical books. Every year I have this struggle. There is a lot going on in machine learning and engineering and I need to stay on top of it.

Yet, I also need to read fiction because if I only read tech books, they take away my creative energy rather than grant it, as fiction does. Fiction allows me to understand other points of view, transports me to universes of inner lives and dialogues of people who are so very different from me. Fiction empowers and gives hope. I consider reading fiction critical to a well-balanced and open mind.

So, what do? This year, I managed a pretty good balance of fiction and arts books to technical non-fiction by picking up a fiction book every time I finished a tech book. Hopefully this will continue in 2025.

Here were my favorite reads: